Our dance policies and rules
Our dance policies and our Code of Conduct exist to safeguard the wellbeing of our pupils and to ensure that the good name of our School continues to be associated with high quality teaching and the enjoyment of dance.
The School reserves the right to refuse entry to classes if these rules are not complied with, for instance. The School reviews and amends its Policies on a regular basis, therefore we advise parents and pupils to read this document thoroughly to ensure a clear understanding is gained. Please contact the office if you require more information on the Code of Conduct on any of our dance policies below.
Registration and Payment
- In order for a place to be kept open for your child in our classes, our dance policies state that payment is required MONTHLY IN ADVANCE, by Direct Debit only.
- DD Payment Scheme – payment will be taken from the account you specify on 31st of every month in respect of the following month, i.e. payment for September’s classes will be taken on August 31st. Therefore, if you fail to make payment before the month starts, your child will be refused access to our class(es).
- We reserve the right to make changes to these amounts and/or collection date if necessary. In this case, you will be given a minimum of fourteen days notice via email prior to collection.
- Prices are based on 36 weeks worth of classes and pro-rated over 12 months.
- We use GoCardless as our official DD collector. GoCardless is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as an Authorised Payment Institution. In addition, payments made via DD are covered under The Direct Debit Guarantee. So, once you return our signed agreement confirming you would like to pay via DD, you will receive an email from GoCardless explaining how to proceed with the setup.
Failure to Pay
- Upon receiving notification from GoCardless of any unpaid, returned or recalled DD payments, we will apply a daily interest charge of 3% from the due date until the full amount due is paid.
- As payments remain the same month after month, invoices are not issued. As such, any changes to monthly payments due to a pupil increasing or decreasing the number of classes taken will be confirmed via email.
- Where we cancel classes for any reason an alternative class will be arranged for your child to attend. If your child is unable to attend the alternative class, no refund will be given.
- If you wish to give up your child’s place at Kandeez, you must give one full month’s payment and written notice.
- The School’s emails and letters contain confidential and/or privileged information and are intended for only the person to whom it is addressed. Therefore, any unauthorised copying, forwarding, disclosure or distribution of the material contained in emails and its attachment/s is strictly prohibited. All personal information at the School is kept confidential and therefore will not be discussed or shared by the School with any other parent or student.
Child Protection and Safeguarding
- The School has a duty of care to all children in our classes. Because of this, all our teachers and office staff are DBS checked. We insist that students under the age of 12 do not go home without their parent or guardian and therefore will be kept within the classroom with the teacher until collected. Once out of the lesson parents are responsible for their children, so please ensure your children are collected in a timely manner.
Use of Photographic and Filming Equipment
- During watch week or at any of our open events, if anyone wishes to photograph or film, they may do so with the permission of the Principal/the teacher present. In addition, please note that on registration, some parents have advised that do not wish their children to be photographed or filmed. If this policy is found to be breached we will ask you to remove all evidence of the photography/filming.
Health and Safety
- When registering your child it’s important that we are made aware of any illness or disability that may affect your child during lessons. In the case of minor accidents, first aid will be administered by a qualified first aider and recorded in the accident book.
The Use of Social Media
- Our Code of Conduct asks that current students and parents who have access to social media do not contact teaching staff directly on their personal pages. Please contact the School’s email and/or social media page for any questions, tips and advice.
- Please only share photos/videos of your own children on social media. You should not share any material featuring anyone else’s children.
Lost Property
- Lost property is defined as personal items left behind unclaimed at any of our classes, events, exams or shows.
- Where the item is named, this will be handed back to the individual in class at the next available opportunity.
- Where the item is unnamed, this will be kept until the end of the current half-term before either selling (proceeds donated to the Kandeez PTPA); donating or disposing of the item.
Our dance policies: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
A key part of GDPR includes the following rights for individuals:
The right to be informed
Kandeez Dance Ltd is required to collect and manage certain data to provide the service that we offer. This allows us to keep our pupils safe and parents up to date. We need to know parent’s name(s), addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses; as well as pupil’s full names, addresses, DOBs and any medical details.
Kandeez Dance Ltd is required to hold data on its teachers – names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, DOBs, emergency contact details, ISTD/IDTA/RAD membership number(s) and bank details for invoice payment.
Kandeez Dance Ltd uses Cookies on its website to collect anonymous data for Google Analytics.
The right of access
At any point an individual can make a request relating to their data and Kandeez Dance Ltd will need to provide a response within 1 month. Kandeez Dance Ltd can refuse a request, because we may have a lawful obligation to retain data but we will inform the individual of the reasons for the rejection. The individual will have the right to complain to the ICO if they are not happy with the decision.
The right of rectification
At any point an individual can make a request to update and alter their data held by Kandeez Dance Ltd.
The right to erasure
Our policies state that you have the right to request the deletion of your data where there is no compelling reason for its continued use.
Kandeez Dance Ltd has a legal duty to keep children’s and parent’s details for: accident and injury records for 19 years (or until the individual reaches 21 years), and 22 years (or until the individual reaches 24 years) for Child Protection records.
Staff records will be kept for 6 years after the teaching member leaves, before they will be erased.
This data is archived securely onsite and shredded after the legal retention.
Our policies dictate that once a student is no longer attending classes any personal data will be deleted and forms securely shredded.
The right to restrict processing
Parents, visitors and staff can object to Kandeez Dance Ltd processing their data. This means that records can be stored but must not be used in any way, for example reports or for communications. This must be submitted via email to Kandeez Dance Ltd.
The right to data portability
Kandeez Dance Ltd requires data to be transferred from one IT system to another; such as from Kandeez Dance Ltd to the ISTD for examinations and competitions. These recipients use secure file transfer systems and have their own policies and procedures in place in relation to GDPR.
The right to object
Parents, visitors and staff can object to their data being used for certain activities, such as marketing or research.
The right not to be subject to automated decision-making including profiling
Automated decisions and profiling are used for marketing based organisations. Kandeez Dance Ltd does not use personal data for such purposes.
Storage and use of personal information
All paper copies of children’s and staff records are kept in a locked filing cabinet at the Head Office in Stoke Mandeville. The Principal and Office Administrator are the only staff who have access to these files. These records are shredded once the pupils has left Kandeez Dance Ltd.
Kandeez Dance Ltd stores personal data held visually in photographs or video clips or as sound recordings and are used for marketing purposes on the Kandeez Dance Ltd website or social media sites. We reserve the right to continue to use these for up to six years under the Legitimate Interests rule, which is classed as a lawful basis for processing.
Access to all electronic data is password protected. So, when a member of staff stops teaching for Kandeez Dance Ltd, these passwords are changed in line with this policy and because of our Safeguarding policy.
Our Dance Policies: Dancers' Code of Conduct
We expect all dancers to adhere to our dance policies. These are:
- Respect all teaching staff. This includes listening when the teacher is speaking, not talking back, not talking during lessons unless asking a question and applying corrections/trying new suggestions positively, without hesitation.
- Treat all other pupils as you would wish to be treated yourself. Support each other, don’t criticise. Encourage your fellow class members and be positive. Bullying in any form will not be tolerated. Also, do not correct other members of your class. You are not the teacher. Concentrate on your own learning and being a better dancer yourself!
- Be on time. In fact, be early. Because arriving late to class is disruptive and disrespectful.
- Be prepared, because there are no excuses for coming to class unprepared. In addition, if you are unsure of uniform or what is required for class each week, please ask.
- Always ask for help if you need it.
- Consistently try your best.
- Attend class every week unless with good reason, because regular class attendance is key to improving yourself as a dancer. For example, every class you miss, you effectively put yourself back a week in terms of training. Over time this can have a big impact on your overall standard.
Our dance policies ask that, in class, you must:
- Switch off your phone and, in addition, hand it to the teacher at the beginning of the class. This will be placed in a secure box and handed back to you at the end of the session.
- Wear correct uniform. Please ask your teacher or contact the office for full details.
- Wear your hair up out of the face. For example, a ponytail or bun is acceptable.
- Remove all jewellery.
- Bring a small, non-fizzy drink to keep hydrated, although this is for consumption during breaks only.
- Do not chew gum.